Diagnóstico Avanzado para Hospitales

Diagnóstico y tratamiento previo-intervención.
Único proyecto del Mundo en réplicas de valvulopatías personalizadas impresas en 3D que simulan comportamientos reales.   


"We confirm that we are highly interested in the expected outcomes of the
MedicalPhant project."

Juan Daniel Sobrado

"Having the patient's heart in hand clarifies the pathology and allows for more precise planning."

Dr. D. José A. Montero
Director del área de Cardiología, Hospital LaFe (Valencia)

"Without the 3D printed model I would not have been able to perform this operation."

Dr.  Med. Marco Strauch Leira Hospital de Manises.

"Based in our vast experience we consider medicalphant a very promising technology"

Jose Luis Diez Gil
Servicio de Cardiología
Hospital Universitario y Politécnico de La Fe.
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